New Mom Struggles With Breast Cancer

New Mom Struggles With Breast Cancer
OP Woman Finds Lump While Breastfeeding Baby


A 28-year-old Overland Park woman shared her fight against breast cancer with KMBC’s Lara Moritz.

Amy Tyler was breastfeeding her 6-month-old son, Harrison, when she discovered a lump.

Tyler’s doctors thought it was just a clogged milk duct. Four months later, Tyler was still suffering.

“I thought I had mastitis. I was in a lot of pain. I was having chest pains,” Tyler said. “I found out the next week I had breast cancer.

“The worst day of my life was finding out I had cancer. The second worst day was losing my breast.”

Tyler had to quit breastfeeding her baby immediately.

“That was probably the most difficult thing,” Tyler said.

Now, she’s undergoing a rigorous round of chemotherapy.

“You basically have to drag me there. My husband — I make him go with me. So he takes a whole day off work because it’s just dreadful,” Tyler said.

She said she’s grown very close to her husband, Kyle, who she said keeps life running smoothly, despite the challenges.

Tyler said she was touched by her friends who established Operation Saving Amy, which gives her hope.

“I’m extremely humbled by my friends who have taken their generosity to help my family,” Tyler said.

Tyler still has months of chemotherapy ahead of her and then radiation treatment.

“Cancer is not cheap. It’s a really hard time right now,” Tyler said. “It’s been a big mountain in a road we’re climbing right now, but I know we’re going to get through it, and it will be over someday.”

Donations for Operation Saving Amy can be sent to:

Operation Saving Amy
c/o Staci Burson
7727 Rosehill Road
Lenexa, KS 66216

Please make checks payable to Amy Tyler.

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